My pleasure man! Really looking forward to a positive decision in your case soon. We've got similar timelines, same AOR but your criminality and info sharing cleared way earlier than me.I really appreciate you asking. Still no update… Eligibility not started…
Aor: Sep 1
Bio submission: Oct 17
Medical passed: Oct 22
Criminality passed & Info sharing complete: As of Oct 29
Background: In process since Oct 17
Security: Not started
Eligibility: Not started
VO Ottawa is really testing my patience with all this silence not even a single ghost update.
Personally, being on a visitor record the last 6 months, it would make the world of difference for me if I can get back to work by Jan 2025, with many things going on.
Can’t wait for the day to see any updates from today
When did you call them last? And they told u that Eligibility and Security haven't started in your last call as well?
Please hang in there, I know this wait is too much to bear, but we must stay positive. I have seen people with October AORs getting PPRs/FDs before us but each file and the officer processing is unique. We have to hope for the best by all means!