Hero Member
- Apr 27, 2014
- 180
- 124
- Visa Office......
- New Delhi
- NOC Code......
- 2171
- App. Filed.......
- 28-05-2014
- Nomination.....
- 22-9-2014
- IELTS Request
- Sent with Application
- Med's Request
- 30-10-2014
- Med's Done....
- 14-11-2014 (Med Rcvd: 21Feb)
- Interview........
- Decision Made : 20-3-2015
- Passport Req..
- 31-3-2015
- 14-4-2015
- LANDED..........
- 16-10-2015
My wife's status is also updated now. She too has her CT dates now (7th June to 27th June).Just now got the invite for CT. It shows that the status page was last updated on 26th May. But somehow, my wife has not got the invite and her status page still shows "Last Updated 23th April".
App Date - 30th Sep
Local office - Mississauga