Landed this evening at Bluewater Bridge. It's hard to believe the process is finally over. When we got up to the booth the officer who directed us over to the building for further processing was curious how long the process had taken us and whether we had used a lawyer. He also congratulated us. The biggest hassle of the whole experience was a huge lineup of cars to even get to that point. I had to initial some things, sign some things, and the agent looked over the form with my list of belongings (26 foot Uhaul, they didn't bother looking inside but asked standard questions about whether I was bringing in alcohol, firearms, etc.). He clarified that I didn't have any goods to follow or any vehicles. He also mentioned that most people aren't as organized as I was. At the end, he gave us our paperwork and congratulated us. The whole process in the building took about 20 minutes or maybe a little longer, but there were several people there ahead of us for various things.
Good luck to everyone still waiting for approval.