I also have a long story.... don't know if I can shorten it... here goes...
My husband and I started talking online via OKCupid July 2012. We were officially bf/gf August 2012. At the time I started school for the fall semester and was living in a dorm. (Had been going to my school 2 years previously as well).
I started having bad anxiety and couldn't really deal with school and being alone (no family where I lived or friends). So we decided I'd take a break from school and come visit him. For how long, we weren't sure but we bought a return ticket for January. I left December 2012. I told the officers at the airport I was visiting my boyfriend for the holidays, which was technically true since I wasn't sure how long I'd be staying.
Well, I ended up staying until June 2013 (the whole 6 months allowed on a US passport). I went back to the states and I was planning on going back to visit him bc I wasn't sure about school yet but there was also a possibility I would start school again fall 2013. BUT while I was in the states (for about a week), my then boyfriend came and surprised me and proposed!!! Before that we had thought about going the common-law route but people on here weren't sure if being a visitor for 12 months would count so we were kinda at a stand still in our relationship.
So we got engaged June 2013, and then decided to get married ASAP so we could start immigration so we could be together, no worries.

So, since we took that route, none of my family could come when we got married. It was just a civil ceremony but we hope to have a wedding when we can afford it.
Anywho, so I came back to Quebec with him June 2013, I told the officers I was visiting my fiance for the summer (this time I did not have a return ticket). No questions asked, I got the whole 6 months.
Then November 2013 I needed to leave to reset my passport. I could have done an extension but I wanted to visit family anyways, so I went to the states for a couple weeks and then came back early December 2013. I just told the lady at the airport I was visiting my husband and she stamped my passport, didn't even look up at me.
And since then we have been working on immigration and just settling into our apartment. May 2014, I didn't want to leave and we were trying to save money, so instead of me leaving to the states and then coming back, we applied for an extension. Well, stupid me screwed up the first extension. When it asked how long you plan to stay... I was confused on if that meant on your current stay or what you HOPE CIC will grant you... hahah I put how long I was currently staying til and that was only a month from that date..... I'm a dumb ass. hahah
So, I did a SECOND extension 2-ish weeks later, and I did it correctly this time, putting a year from the date I filed the extension. I got approved.. I think 4-6 days later for a one year extension!
Of course we're hoping PR goes through before that.
Anyways.... this was to show that yes you can "move" here before PR. But always say you're visiting. I still consider myself a visitor even though I pretty much feel like I've been living here for almost 2 years (in December). No, I can't work or go to school. And that's been a little tough. There are days I go stir crazy. But I'm also in a different situation because I have a lot of problems (anxiety, etc) that I am working on as well.
Also, I brought all my clothes winter clothes and personal belongings like make-up and such the first time I visited. I did bring some spring type clothes as well since I didn't know how long I would be staying. When I went back June 2013, I got the rest of my clothes, which wasn't too much and a couple personal items that my brother was storing for me. The rest of the things I didn't need, I gave to Salvation Army.
I also have quite a bit of things stored at a family members house from when I started going to college. Things like keepsakes from childhood, birthday cards, stuffed animals, my art from high school and before. Things that people don't bring with them to a college dorm.
So, I'm hoping I can get most of that when I get PR and go back to the states to do inventory for the B4.