Hi Team,
I worked in a multinational as a Finance Manager and sent my documents after getting them signed from my Boss. Now the problem is my company has closed its operations from Pakistan and somehow my relations with my BOSS got worse during closing process due to some emails he supposes I wrote to the Company ethics department to unfold some unethical practices during the closing process. All the employees except my boss and two to three other associates have received golden hand shakes. These 4 peoples are helping in closing process temporarily. Now the company has shifted its office to a temporary place for timebeing to close its operations. I have paid 100% taxes during my service and online filed my returns regularly through company and self. My account is showing all the salary credited to my account. I was one of the Company authorized banking signatory as Finance Manager. I have EOBI returns available. Though I have communicated Visa Office regarding shifting of office and closing of the company along with ways to verify my experience with my global ID but I am afraid my boss may try to spoil my immigration case because he was the signatory to my letter. What is your opinion what should I do? And what do you feels would they verify my experience through my boss only or go for other details which are okay? I am worried. Help me.