He deleted that comment again,
That's a pretty bold statement, don't you think?
I'm not charging anything for the website, nor am I charging for my advice, no, I'm paying for it. Do you think
the website is free? Wrong. Who made the website and put time, a lot of time into the project? I did.
I'm not forcing anyone to use my website, nor am I saying that my website is the only way of gathering information about CEC applications,
however, I think the the website can make life easier. And it sure does for me. Instead of posting the same answers to frequently asked
questions all the time, I post links to the answers on my website.
My personal website, my personal time and my personal money I pay for it.
You have "DONATE" option in every single paragraph you wrote in your website. Can you explain something about this? Isn't it 200K people visiting this if 1% donate a $ then 2K? There are plenty of fool here. Keep fooling them.
Answer this tobby? hey other idiots, check this out.