I got my new GCMS report today, and the commentary at the end is like this:
No adverse FOSS, RPRF not paid Single. B/C submitted. Meets selection criteria based on verified IELTS, employment letter, valid job offer for which subj meets rqts in terms of language abilities and experience, cadgedec/diploma. Transcripts to be requested. PA obtains 87 points. I am satisfied the points obtained accurately relfect PA's ability to economically establish in Canada. Eligibility decision passed pending receipt of transcripts. Clear FBI provided, needs ***(my home country) PC, RCMP to be initiated in GCMS. Info gaps required for completion of B. ECU, please request: -transcripts, -meds, RPRF, ppt -PA personal history information gaps 1995/06 to 1998/08
the police certificate was submitted to the VO 3 months ago but I never received any aknowledgement on their end -- do I need to get another one and send it again?
Also, this is just what's in my GCMS report dated June 14th, I haven't received any requests for any of those items yet, do I need to send them now or do I need to wait for the official request?
One last thing, what are FOSS and RCMP?