Did you have a profit in EE pool as well? what job did you put there as employment history? I had a look at your previous posts and you were asking NOC for senior product manager. When dealing with IRCC with multiple applications, you really need to be extra cautious. don't provide contradictory information on different applications.
Although being solely self employed is not required, you do need to proof you are self employed for at least two one years. IRCC consider 30 hours a week as full time employment, if you claimed a full-time job in your EE profile, you would need to prove that you work another 30 hours a week continuously as self-employed for two single one years, which means during these two years time, you are working two jobs with 60 hour per week. And bear in mind that your hard work would also be reflected in your earnings as well. I believe IRCC would expect to see more money coming into your account during these times. otherwise it wouldn't be reasonable.
I would suggest you do a recalculation of your experience and revisit your self employment plan, if everything is fine. go ahead with the appeal or even sue them.
just my thought though. hope this helps