The processing timeline for this category is indeed 41 months now. Just sit back and think for a second - 41 months! That's close to four years of your life just chasing a fucking application. For a country whose socio-economic future depends so much on immigration (and self-admittedly so), Canada's immigration policies, procedures and timelines are ridiculously and criminally inefficient. They should be ashamed to even call themselves a first world country. They have absolutely no clue what's going on with their applicants, their aspirations and their lives.#ImmigrationMatters? My foot. I am having serious doubts about whether it is even worthwhile to raise my children in a country whose government is full of such incorrigible idiots. Who do you think we are? Cattle? We come into your country with our education, expertise, skills, taxes, to redeem whatever little is left of your privileged social benefits that you are so proud of and clearly have no idea how to manage (look at what is happening to public education in Alberta, for instance, or to real estate in GTA), and THIS is how you treat us? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you dense? Or trying hard to be? Disgusting!