Thanks Achee, I really need some luck here. With school holidays coming, either tickets are no longer available for travel or they are extremely expensive. I also gave my passports on Wednesday, I think the guy showed me your picture to show the right pic size.....lolz

Anyways, its too early to check the status. The applications were forwarded to embassy on Thursday. so Embassy would've had Thursday and then Sunday and Monday to process. I hope they do it on Snday and return already on Sunday back to VFS for collection on Monday. I really hope so, I had not been impatient with my whole process, never raised any info request or sent an email to lVO, but at the last step I am panicking a bit...
One way is to send visa section an email on Monday morning with the copy of ticket and travel details requesting them for a speedy processing, if possible.
Ane one got any experience with such requests?