Hi Everybody, I´m Lucy I´m Brazilian and as my husband said we got stuck in somethings. I went to Itamaraty here in Brasília and they said to me they cannot legalize my original docs if i don´t authenticate the signatures of that. I went to the education secretary to ask in which notary office they hv their signature and they said to me they don´t hv tht and they will not do because of me, then i called to Itamaraty and they said they cannot do anything and they cannot legalize my original documents without i hv tht signatures authenticated. Well, I got a problem cause no one wants to do their work and each one is throwing to the other (typical from Brazil unfortunately). So what I need to know is: anybody faced such kind of problem? The original documents really need to hv Itamaraty stamp or if i get that in the translations is enough? My translations are done and to get the stamp for the originals seems i will need to start a huge fight and this fight will delay too much all my process...
If anybody had the same problem please let me know, I´m getting completely lost in all this cause I don´t know wht should I do now and the time is going and fast and now is 4 months after marriage... we are becoming worried with the problems that this Brazilian bureaucracy is creating to us.
