Me: 29. British.
Partner: 35. Canadian.
We met in Japan 3 years ago and have been living together for 1 year. We are starting to plan the future and would like to move to Canada. I've just been doing the beginning reading and research into how this could be possible and it seems we fall under the "Common Law Partner" category. I understand that we will have to provide lots of proof that we are "basically married without the title" and not just FWB or room-mates.
In Japan, views towards same sex relationships are a little different. Even though we were lucky to find a landlord who lets us rent a 1 bed place together, all bills are just in one name. Many people here think we are just room-mates, we don't want to out ourselves as it may affect business.
The only proof I have of living here is my mail, my residence card address, health tax bill etc. I just give my partner cash in hand for bills and there is no record of it. A lot of transactions in Japan are done in cash.
Our families have met a handful of times (an achievement when we all live on different points of the globe) and we've travelled to visit each others families in their countries too. We have a good friendship circles in Japan, Canada and England who know we're a couple too.
I'm really worried that it's not going to be enough without having shared bills to show.
Any advice or things to consider?
Thank you for taking the time to read this.