My opinion is that this lawsuit is frivolous. It probably has more to do with embarrassment on the part of the groom and that someone told him he could get money out of it. Never forget what a big ticket item Canadian PR is to much of the world. So I'm annoyed that the government now has to waste money defending this when it will probably be thrown out.
Regarding the "he said, she said" going back and forth between the couple, I don't think anything. I don't know them nor was I privy to their private conversations. I was not raised in their culture either. I'm in no position to judge what anyone should have thought. I've seen lots of couples who looked rock solid only to break up later, with or without immigration in the way. And I've seen odd couples whom no one would believe would make it still going strong no matter the age difference, cultural difference and/or disabilities. Only the heart knows what it truly feels. So was this girl fooling herself into believing someone would really love her although she is confined to a wheelchair? And being completely unfamiliar with arranged marriages, I have no idea what the groom was told either nor what is culturally acceptable. I do know that in some parts of the world, the groom would garner much more sympathy as marriage is seen more as a contract to move someone forward in the world with status, connections, money, etc. than it is seen as a bond of love. But that doesn't appeal to Canadian sensibilities and he's wasting his time with this.
Overall, I wish it would go away and these people would focus on getting on with their lives instead of being caught up in their 15 minutes of fame and dragging out a horrible experience even further.