Yupeeeee!!! At last CHC,Islamabad is awake!! Today ,I have got a letter dated 22nd June,2009.I am writing the content of this letter.
Dear Applicant,
There are number of stages in processing your application for permanent residence in Canada.This is to inform you that you have been successful inone of those stages,that being the positive outcome of the assessment of your case.As a result,you application has been provisionally accepted.
Further processing stages are still required and must be undertaken beofre a final decision can be made,such as medical examination for you and your dependents.In this regard,please be advised that medical instructions will be issued to you and your familiy within the next few weeks.Once you and your family hasve successfully passed the medical examination and have satisfied the other statutory requirements,you will be eligible for a Canadian Immigration visa.
The medical instructions will be mailed to the mailing address that you have provided."
There are other things too in this letter but not useful .Now I need seniors to comment on which stage I am now standing? Does it mean that my Interview is waived cuzz they have directed me towards medical without mentioning any need for interview,what seniors say,Thanks to Almighty ALLAH.