Thanks guys for the well wishes. So sorry I could not respond earlier as a few committments have kept me away from the forum from the last few days. In fact, I have been busy like hell sorting out the logsitcs things for my expected travel to Charlottetown by the end of August. I have also resigned from PC today as, by contract, I was required to give a notice of one month. Friends and relatives are all the time visiting and inviting my wife and I before we leave the country. I am sad I am going to leave such lovely people with whom I have enjoyed many years of my life but this is life and life goes on. To answer a few questions;
Thanks for letting me know about this. I fully agree that I might need the IELTS result card again if in future I pursue for doing some university level courses in Canada.
It took approximately two weeks to get the passports back.
I went to Dr. Aamer Iqbal. The only reason I chose him is because Aamer Iqbal is the name of my best friend also

. Medical procedure went smooth. This started with filling out the forms they gave to me to fill out for me and my wife. Then the doctor did general checkup, including eye sight, blood pressure, weight etc. He found out that my sight for the right eye was not 6/6. He only said I should start using spectacles. Nothing else. Then they took the urine and blood sample. Then came the x-rays. Overall, it went smooth.
Yes, I mentioned my email address in my PR form. But they did not sent the passport request via email.
You are most welcome to come and visit me anytime, if you feel like

Nice to know about you. I will certainly send you an email. Are you from Lahore? I am originally from Faisalabad but living in Lahore.
See you next time guys.
Asim Gujjar.