Hello, I am following up with you all about my rejection. the ONLY information I received from CIC in my rejection letter was as follows:
"Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has reviewed your application for permanent residence. We
have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of a complete application as
described in sections 10 and 12.01 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. Your
application is rejected for being incomplete.
Specifically, your application does not include the following elements:
- Upfront medical report
Upfront medical report - Invalid medicals as medicals have been assessed for Temporary residence only
for both [applicant names]"
So far as I know I passed my medical according to the doctor, along with my partner. I tried to call the help line today and they told me they could not answer any of my questions.

They sent me a useless link to the website.
They said they do not take calls about Express Entry. I sent a CSE last night. Ugh.
I have no idea how to fix this.
My partner and I were both assessed as NON-EDE Category: Worker on our upfront eMedical reports by Canadian physician. We told them over and over that it was for PR - EE. I can't believe this...