XpressEnterprise said:
Do I have to do any other tests or is it fine? I've shown it to my heart specialist and they have said that it's mild. You just need to take medicines and given me a dietary plan. No operation is necessary.
A38(1)(c) is
entirely about costs. While the legal case law says that CIC must make an individualized assessment, the reality is that they seem to do so in about 20% of cases. Thus, they use the medical condition to reach a general conclusion and then force the applicant to make the arguments necessary for an individualized assessment. Morally bankrupt and in clear violation of Canada's international obligations, but nobody challenges them on those grounds so the process continues to exist (even CIC admits how troubling and difficult this section of IRPA is to administer in their own internal reviews!)
The magic number is $6285 per year at the present time, though that figure has not been revised in 18 months. I've seen fairness letters quoting even lower numbers, but unless they've just recently updated it, that figure remains the number of interest.
So in your case the question is: what will be the cost of treatment? I generally use the Quebec formulary figures for drug costs as in my experience they are reasonably close to the normal cost of drugs in Canada - and the Regie's list (http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/regie/legal-publications/Pages/list-medications.aspx) is easily accessible, frequently updated and authoritative.
Look up the costs of the drugs. Estimate the costs of the routine care for your condition. Add them up. If the costs are less than the magic number, you're fine.