There are a lot of jobs that are just strictly Mon-Fri, where did you go look for jobs? (online job banks, kijiji). Have you considered moving to another city with better employment prospects such as Edmonton? Also you didn't answer my last post regarding this, but have you also tried broadening the scope of jobs you want to do? There are lots of jobs that might not be the most glamorous, but they pay a decent wage.
It's hard for me to imagine that every single job you've found, all of them want you to work on weekends.
Also, before you decide to go to school, have you researched whether or not a medical office assistant diploma will give you good job prospects? For me I'm not sure if it will or not, but I personally know a lot of friends who make the mistake of taking in more education in an economic downturn, and I think that's a bad idea because you're likely won't be working for the duration of the schooling, plus you will have student loans that need to be paid off, and your return on investment will largely depend on whether or not you're able to get that job or not, and it might be hard to get a job in a specific type of field , especially if it's in a recession and not a job that's in high demand.
Did you go to school in Iraq just because you wanted something to do while you're near your husband? Or is it to really genuinely improve your job skills?