Hi All,
Sorry for not being able to respond any earlier as a lot happened last week - busy with work and then got this in MYCIC account:
Date: November 2, 2015
UCI: xx Application Number: xx
Dear Name:
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. The processing of your application is almost complete. Before a permanent resident visa can be issued to you (and your accompanying family members, if applicable), you will need to follow the steps below.
Note: This letter is not a guarantee that a permanent resident visa will be issued to you. Upon receipt of the items requested below, a final review will be done to determine if you meet all eligibility requirements and are not inadmissible to Canada.
Please submit two (2) passport-sized photos taken within the last three (3) months of you and each of your accompanying family members (photo specifications are attached in Appendix A). Please do not staple the photos. Enclose the photos of each person in a separate envelope. On each envelope, write your application number and the name of the person whose photos are enclosed. Submit the photos in the same package as the passport(s).
Please submit original passports for:
1. You;
2. Your spouse/common-law partner (if applicable); and
3. All dependent children who will accompany you to Canada (if applicable).
Before you submit your passport(s):
o Check that there are enough blank pages in the passports to affix permanent resident visas for you and your accompanying family members.
o Check that you have ordinary passports. Permanent resident visas for Canada cannot be issued in Diplomatic or Official passports.
o Check the expiry date of the passports for you and your accompanying family members. Permanent resident visas for Canada cannot be issued with a validity longer than the passport.
See Appendix B for instructions on how to submit your passport(s) and photos.
IMPORTANT NOTE about Visa and Passport validity You should ensure that everyone in your family has a passport valid for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the date of the most recent full medical examination. Visas can only be issued to a maximum validity of twelve (12) months from the date of your most recent Immigration Medical Examination assessment. If your family had medical examinations on different dates, the validity of your visas will be twelve (12) months from the date of the first assessment. If any one of your passports will expire before twelve (12) months from the date of the medical examination, your visas will expire on the expiry date of the first passport to expire. If your passports will expire soon, it is in your interest to obtain new or updated passports to ensure your permanent resident visas are issued with maximum validity.
Fill out the form we have included as Appendix C and enclose it with your passport(s) and photos.
If you or any of your accompanying family members currently holds a valid temporary resident visa, study permit, or work permit for Canada in an expired passport, please submit it with your current passport.
You must comply with the above requirements within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the refusal of your application.
IMPORTANT NOTE about Reporting Changes to your Personal Circumstances Canada’s immigration law requires that you continue to meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act throughout the immigration process up to and including the date you arrive in Canada. This means you are required to inform this office, in writing, of any of the following circumstances: ✔ A change in your marital status (marriage, separation, divorce, etc.) ✔ A change in your family size (birth or death of a child or spouse, etc.) ✔ A criminal charge or conviction for you or any member of your family ✔ Death of your sponsor (Family Class applications only)
After submitting everything to our office please allow one (1) month for the return of your passport(s). Do not contact our office to enquire about the status of your application until after one (1) month has passed.
IMPORTANT Do NOT commit to any travel plans, purchase tickets, or take irrevocable action such as selling property or terminating employment until you have received your passport(s), visa(s) and Confirmation(s) of Permanent Residence.
Further information regarding living in Canada:
Access the Welcome to Canada guide on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website: {cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/welcome/index.asp} Moving to Canada is an exciting opportunity but also a great challenge. Find out what to expect when you arrive in Canada and learn how to find a place to live, get around your new city, work and go to school, and connect with your community. Information on Canadian laws, health care and how to get help settling in Canada is also available.
If you are accepted to Canada as a Skilled Worker or Provincial Nominee, The Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP) can help you plan for successful immigration to Canada. CIIP is a comprehensive pre-departure service for Skilled Workers, Provincial Nominees, and their spouses and adult dependants and is made available by the Government of Canada at no charge. This program helps immigrants better prepare for economic success by providing information, planning, and online support through partners in Canada while applicants are still in their country of origin. If you applied as a Skilled Worker or Provincial Nominee, register now for a free pre-departure orientation and planning session: {newcomersuccess.ca}
Thank you for your interest in Canada.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature.
Appendix A
Photograph Specifications
Immigration photographs are not the same as passport photographs.
The photographs must:
show a full front view of the person's head and shoulders showing full face centred in the middle of the photograph;
have a pure white background (an off-white or coloured background is not acceptable);
be identical (black and white or colour) produced from the same untouched negative, or exposed simultaneously by a split-image or multi-lens camera;
have been taken within the past three (3) months.
The photographs must:
measure between 25 mm and 30 mm (1" and 1 1/5") from chin to crown;
have a 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8" x 1 3/4") finished size.
enclose two (2) photographs in a small envelope (use a separate envelope for each applicant);
do not write on the back of the photographs;
do not staple, scratch, bend or leave any ink mark on the photographs;
write the application number and the applicant’s name on the envelope.
Appendix B
How to Submit your Passport(s) and Photos
Applicants who reside in Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, or Vietnam should send their passports to the High Commission of Canada in Singapore through the secure service offered by a Canada Visa Application Centre (CVAC). The service includes two-way secure shipping and tracking. A service charge must be paid for each applicant to cover handling and courier costs. Once processing has been completed, passports will be returned to the CVAC for collection by the applicants. Please note that processing may be longer for passports which are not sent via a Canada Visa Application Centre. Applicants with access to a CVAC are strongly encouraged to utilize this service.
Applicants residing in countries which are not currently serviced by a Canada Visa Application Centre may send passports directly to the High Commission of Canada in Singapore. Please see the instructions below.
PLEASE NOTE: Passports may not be submitted in person to the High Commission of Canada in Singapore.
Residents of SINGAPORE
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Singapore
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centre in Singapore, visit this website:
Residents of MALAYSIA
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Kuala Lumpur
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centre in Malaysia, visit this website:
Residents of BANGLADESH
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Dhaka, Chittagong or Sylhet
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centres in Bangladesh, visit this website:
Residents of CAMBODIA
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Phnom Penh
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centre in Cambodia, visit this website:
Residents of INDONESIA
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Jakarta or Surabaya
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centres in Indonesia, visit this website:
Residents of THAILAND
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Bangkok
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centre in Thailand, visit this website:
Residents of VIETNAM
Submit passports to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Ho Chi Minh City or Ha Noi
For address, service hours, and instructions for how to submit passports through the
Canada Visa Application Centres in Vietnam, visit this website:
Send passports to:
High Commission of Canada
Immigration Section
One George Street #11-01
Singapore 049145
Ensure you use a secure registered mail or courier service to send your passports. Passports are sent by registered mail or courier at the applicant’s risk and expense. The High Commission will NOT be responsible for passports lost during shipment.
Include a self-addressed envelope with self-adhesive closure. The envelope must have dimensions of at least 12" x 8" (30 cm x 20 cm).
Your passports will be returned by registered mail unless you provide a prepaid waybill from a commercial courier service, completed with your address, telephone number, and account number with the courier company (include the name of the courier account holder if it is not your personal account). Please note that if your account information is deemed insufficient, your passport(s) will be returned by registered mail. The High Commission does not pay courier fees for the return of passports.
Residents of CANADA
If you and all your accompanying dependents on your application are currently in Canada and plan to be in Canada for at least three (3) months, you may submit your passport(s) and photos to the Case Processing Centre in Ottawa (“CPC-O”). You are required to send your passport(s) and photos together along with a copy of this letter by mail or courier to the following address.
Recommended Option If passport(s) and photos sent by regular mail or Canada Post Xpresspost, send to:
CPC – Ottawa
PO Box 9780
Ottawa, ON, K1G 4B9
Purchase two prepaid letter-sized (32 x 24 cm) Canada Post Xpresspost envelopes (Regional if you live in Ontario or Quebec; National for other provinces and territories), at any Canada Post retail outlet.
Complete the mailing label showing your full mailing address in the “Deliver To” field.
Make a note of tracking numbers for each envelope.
Enclose both envelopes with your passport(s) and photos and a copy of this letter.
You can purchase a Canada Post shipping label on line: {canadapost.ca/personal/tools/cst/intro-e.asp}
Alternate Option If passport(s) and photos sent by private courier, send to:
CPC – Ottawa
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON, K1A 1L1
If you choose to not provide us with a return Xpresspost envelope, we will return your passport(s) via regular mail (Canada Post Lettermail). Passport(s) will not be returned by private courier. Do not provide any pre-paid courier envelopes: These will not be used.
Appendix C
Please complete this form for yourself, your spouse/common-law partner, and your dependent children who will accompany you to Canada.
Send the completed form with your passport(s). DO NOT send passports for non-accompanying family members.
Spouse / Partner
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Family Name
Given Name(s)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Passport #
Date of Expiry
Height (cm)
Eye Colour
Your Telephone Numbers and Email Address:
* Please continue on a separate page if you have additional children who will accompany you to Canada.
How would you like us to return your passports? (please √ ) Canada Visa Application Centre (prepaid waybill must be provided or Registered Mail will be used)
For official use only:
x CPC-Ottawa
Date Received
No. of Passports - IN
Date Returned
No. of Passports - OUT
So, I submitted my passport at VAC Dhaka on 3-Nov-15 and I got an email stating that Singapore VO received my passport on 6-Nov. The VAC in Dhaka told me that it would take a month for my passport to be returned. So, waiting for that....

Thanks everyone for the info on this forum - it was very helpful!
Thanks to SSELIM for absolutely correct information - MyCIC does get updated from two weeks of getting the email (Asking for passport to be sent to CPC OTTAWA for those residing in Canada and USA) and then the new MyCIC letter gives a separate 30 day deadline.
I know greyhatbd had some other questions about timeline, but I don't have all the dates on hand right now. Sorry
Thanks again!