Try searching for a prospective employer now and once you got a contract then it's easy to go to POLITI for applying a ARBEIDSTILLETELSE. August 1 is way too far. My sister who is currently working in Bergen applied Work PErmit for another host family there took only one day to get the NY ARBEIDSTILLETELSE (new work permit) Hopefully by that time if you got a good luck your TEmporary REsident Visa going to Canada will be at your hand. (Just crossing our fingers) Btw, how about your Tracking Number of the Post? Did they received it?europegirl said:But I can't stay here in Norway once my visa is experied.So my plan is to look for another host family so that I can have 1 more year visa to stay, because if I will not do this, I will go home.
Hays, hopefully I will receive letter after the holidays.
thank you for sharing your experiences. I tried to talked in the bank who issued me the bank draft, but they can't figure out if the cheque is withdrawn or not.