Reciprocated dear Palak and Ratan.RATAN said:Dear Palak, Diplomatru & Other Seniors.....
I was just reading the posts in other Forums and there has been different opinions that the Background & Criminality checks are done before or after 2nd line update....Please shower some light on this.......My 2nd line already got updated and awaiting MR......So my background/Criminal check is over...How much time for MR.....
This is my 300th Post and hope with this Post you will clarify my n other members doubts...
In regards to your question,
Second line = eligibility check entailing selection decision pursuant to MI. If case is well-documented IPA is encouraged to pass decision w/o further verification. If there are black areas or random quality assurance - employer or/and educational institution will be requested to shed light on the case. If positive reaction follows - eligibility is marked as passed and meds are issued.
Only at this time some or all other assessments are put in process.