shah81 said:
Need Help....I again got request to submit the PCC for Kenya. But I sent them in February for me and my wife. And now they are asking to submit it again for me as they could not find it in the file. It took me 3 months to get the PCC and just because they lost it they are asking it again. my file is already delayed....Everything wrong is happening with my file. First bcz wrong IME I got 3rdline after 4 months and now they lost PCC. I cant get the new one now as it is lengthy procedure.
What are the way to handle this situation? How can I inform them about this now? CSE? and will the scan copy is enough for them? as they are asking again the original copy
Sorry for the trouble.....
Few Suggestions:
1. Send a copy with cover letter stating that you submitted it with the initial application and a copy is attached for their consideration as it is a lengthy process to get the new one again. If you have not travelled to Kenya after the getting PCC issued - mention that also. However, there are very remote chances that they will accept this.
2. Contact your friends and colleagues in Kenya. They can get the PCC from there in a week or so......I got it done from two African Countries like that and they issued it in a week. Send your copies of earlier PCC to them and if you have not travelled after that then it will be more quicker. They just have to pursue it personally and spend some extra know why extra money..... This is the best and quickest mode of getting the PCC.
3. Last but not the least - Approach Kenyan Embassy in India.....
All the best....