indresh83 said:
Thanks a lot buddy
I understood your point. But do we have any idea of the period of delay. As this is no fault of mine.
The MR request came on 25th March and I understood that security and medical checks are started subsequently the same day.
So can I expect anything in May ???
Hi indresh,
What I believe will happen at this point is, since you have submitted ur Student Medical proofs (and I think u raised a CSE informing them as well), NDVO will contact the Hospital and request them to upload ur Medical Reports to ur PR Application...then depending on when the Hospital uploads ur reports, they will assess and give u the 3rd line update...
Now, theoretically, since u have submitted ur PCC they can do ur Criminality Check simultaneously and they can also do ur Security Check as well...So immediately after 3rd line of Medicals, u can get ur 4th line DM and PPR
But, practically

, what we have seen in NDVO, is that due to the huge volume of apps being processed simultaneously they keep setting due dates and follow a sequential order of processing...From my (and one other applicant's) GCMS Notes, I know that only
after Medicals were passed, they waited for a few days, then shifted the file to the department called ECU-RFV (Ready for Visa)...then after a few days, ECU-RFV conducted the Security and Criminality Checks (it doesn't take much time) and finalized their decision...
Say for example, they gave u time till 15th April for completion of Meds...u provided Proof of Medicals on 10th April..on 10th April, they may have set a Due Date of maybe 30 days later like 10th May for completion of Medicals Check...and in d meantime sent a request to Hospital for results upload and apart from that set aside ur file to depending on how quickly the hospital responds, say ur results are uploaded by 25th April...but ur file may not be opened until near about 10th May (which was the Due date set)...After which it'd take another couple of days for ur Meds 3rd line, and then they mark the file as 'awaiting RFV checks' and set another due date around 30 days later like 10th june...Near around 10th june, the file moves to ECU-RFV department, the Officer gets assigned and he completes ur Sec & Criminality checks and finalizes the file in another 2 days.>So the actual task of processing takes very less time but the file movement, due dates, etc increases the lag time and cause the delay...Now say, if the 1st Due Date of 10th May is missed by the Hospital itself, they may again set another Due Date another 30 days later which causes a down-the-line delay in the whole process...hope u understand this long, complicated example what I'm trying to say....
So just keep ur fingers crossed for a speedy 3rd line update...After that, you can certainly expect DM in May but i feel chances may be less....The first half of June is a more realistic estimate....Just hold on and try to be patient for a while longer...Good luck