I bet you all. Cut-off will come down.
Reduced IELTS, ECA almost to a standstill. How on earth will a candidate get into the pool amid tons of crisis.
I'm in a group where there are tons of aspirants that were planning to write IELTS
No one is really interested to venture out until there's a vaccine.
Pencil/Paper based mode of IELTS houses a majority of candidates and this is not all happening for the past 4 months.
It is also not gonna happen in full swing anytime before end of September
More than all, except University of Mumbai, it is almost next to impossible to firstly obtain a transcript from an university (many universities are shooing away people and not allowing them to enter the campus except some extremely essential services) be it North or Southern India.
Plus some of the potentials candidates have all left metro cities and are stranded in their native. There are lots more that I can keep saying but again, CUT-OFF WILL COME DOWN and that's my strongest bet.
You will see that from the very next draw itself.
I have made an in-depth, detailed, and logical analysis and conveying this.
Time and again I have repeatedly said this to people and I will be mute now
Will come back to you all and prove to you what I said once draws resume.
First of all, i also hope to have the cut-off decrease. I have been striving to reach 460, and as soon as i got there the points have never come down to that level, and then came march madness !!!
But i just want to discuss your points bit further - It's true what you say regarding IELTS and ECA, but there are other factors that determine the cut-off score. Such as...
1. Current backlog of people in higher score
2. Influx of people
3. number of PNP nominations - if this is high the cutoff score also will be a bit higher
4. Number of people the invited for the draw.
You have mentioned only about point 2, influx of people.
Regarding this, we can see that in the last 2 pool distributions that were published, there is an increase of around 1200 people added to the pool despite slow IELTS and ECA. Lets assume this stays the same rate as it is now (hope it decreases

), even then for the score to come down in a few months, we have to consider the other above points as well.
Regarding current backlog - we all know that there is enough ppl in higher than 465 even for 2 more draws for sure..
Regarding PNP nominations - If the PNP nominations increase in any of the draws, the cut-off score is affected! We have no way to predict this will increase or decrease.
Regarding number of ppl invited - If they invite less that 3900, then again cut-off does not come down quickly. An additional point to consider is to achieve their annual target of invites, they don't need 3900 every draw from now. If they continue 3900, they will achieve their annual target by mid november. So they might even reduce this number ( again i hope they don't )
So considering all of this do you still think the cut-off would reduce to 455 ? or even 460 soon ?
It would drop to that number if the IELTS & ECA are in a bad state till like January 2021, continously, but i don't think that can happen.
Well i hope the scores decrease though, but considering all of this, i don't know if i can just bank on it based on just one factor of IELTS & ECA. What do you think ?