"The government’s annual immigration plan is usually presented to Parliament in the preceding fall. It remains to be seen exactly what the next plan may include; the fact that the Ministers have reached a consensus — and
publicly affirmed that they have done so — may be a prelude to a multi-year plan." [source:
Currently IRCC has yearly immigration plan in place which forces IRCC to send variable number ITAs in different months of the year in order to keep the ITA number inside the targeted immigration plan. Thus we see ITA number fluctuating throughout the year and also sometimes extra week between the draw days. Moreover unused declined ITAs also create a massive gap in the targeted ITA number. Moving to multi-year plan will be a great way to tackle down these problems. If they move to multi-year plan then IRCC won't be worried much about controlling number of ITAs in order to remain inside the yearly target and unused declined ITAs.
We can be certain that we will get consistent high number of ITAs and regular biweekly draws once the multi-year plan is approved by the parliament. Regular draws with consistently 3500 ITAs should bring the score below 400 by the first half of next year. So hang in there buddies, everyone with minimum requirements will definitely get invitation to apply for your dream country.
I hope it starts declining the CRS Score from today's draw. My prediction for today is 426 with 3500 ITAs, 427 with 3200 ITAs, 429 with 3000 ITAs or 431 with 2800 ITAs. Good luck to all friends from around the World