I took the phone now to congratulate you on ur IELTS exam ,& I see this

don't be surprised

...I'm waiting for you guys to upload my documents

half serious half kidding....I had started sorting out my experience letter & Qatar PCC issue since April & now I'm inching closer to getting both resolved....but anyway it won't be untill last week of August that I'll be able to upload my full set docs.
by the way I've booked medicals for coming Wednesday....so once it is done all I'd be waiting would be for my reference letter & Qatar PCC....will surely keep u guys posted...I'm sure we all will continue the journey together...
& keep a check on Xibalban for all of us...bring him back.....may be you should help him with ur special skills with damsels to lure him back to PIE...

...I remember u referring some websites

& Really happy to hear your test went well and bit tensed about the task 2 now that you've mentioned

...but don't worry you'll get CLB9..

I understand the pressure of the delayed draw & the uncertainty has affected the general sentiment & the mood of our little group here....but hey,everyone please remember that we are looking at "forever in Canada" and a week or two more of wait for that dream,we will take in the right spirit...

I hope all of us stick together & the ones joining in catch up the optimistic vibe to make this ride a lovely amazing one for all...
@andieangel @Wandering Mind @xibalban @mqamar @iamxty @baka @fahadhsheikh
@tjsecondtry @Shaun75 and many more whose names I slipped
