Hello people!
I am back today and the first thing I did was firing up my computer and browsing to this forum. Honestly, I am kinda disappointed seeing no draws in three weeks and 4th week is now knocking the door. But there is a big ray of hope in it (this actually just popped into my head).
three, probably four weeks without draw is indeed a major setback, and cutoff will definitely observe a sky high hike. But, here is a catch. Few days a go Mr. Hussain stated something about meeting the deadline of 300K immigrants, and probably more (I heard the approach is to meet 320K), but I do not have the link and I read it on the go while I was travelling.
but Anyway, the point I am trying to explain here is, to match the numbers, CIC will indeed have to conduct multiple back to back draws in consecutive weeks now or bigger than usual (
more than 3.7K on average candidates per draw) if conducted every two weeks as per the ritual. In any case, CRS will fall more than we anticipated. We all know how consecutive draws hammer the CRS down.
I wanted to share my thought here after quite a while. Keep the hope alive!

Now I have to fresh myself up after quite a long haul travel