Thanks a lot for your nice comment.
I'll try to keep on with the positivity.
It is not shallow positivity, though... as 408 might be 2 consecutives draws away, or maybe 3 normal draws away.
Is you IELTS score maxed out?, I know it's expensive, but you could try earning the bonus points.
In my case, I learned some french from January to April, and in April 28th i toke the TEF. I know I got CLB7 in both computer skills (equivalent to listening and reading) and I know I did well on the writing tasks, however on the speaking part I didn't do so well. I haven't got the score, as they take more than 2 months in my country to receive it. You can guess how I feel about not having these scores to update my profile.

But the point is, in 4 months I could learn a good amount of french (except for the speaking part, because I didn't practice that so much), because all it takes is the will. Maybe you could do that if the points stall at 410+
As for the recreation of your profile, if they'd recreated it after May 5th, maybe you could have a NOI from OINP, and even if it takes longer, you could a have a more solid chance with it. I though the NOI was NOC dependent, but it is not, I recreated my profile and received an invitation the day after. You could try doing so, and maybe you can get it. In march they weren't giving NOIs, but in May the were, so you have to pay attention to their news site to know when they're giving notice of interests:
As for the bad things happening in your life, I really wish you to overcome them. Nothing bad last forever.
(This post was longer)