What is better in Canada compared to Oz? Climate is way better in Oz than in Canada.
Numerous reasons. Below are just a few:
1. Justin Trudeau

2. Immigration laws
3. Unemployment rates (not the statistics but the hard fact... if you do not consider working odd jobs but jobs in your own field)
4. Living cost
5. Health care costs (private)
6. Education system
7. Climate (You cannot say OZ has a great climate without spending couple of winters in Melbourne and/or Tasmania). Obviously it is nowhere as cold as in most Canadian cities but the winters in Melbourne are wet and windy. It rains all the time in winter and is depressing. All of OZ is not the sunny beaches of Sydney!
8. Renting or Owning a house/apartment
9. Social Security Benefits
10. Friendliness/Mentality of people in general (People can be rude in big Australian cities)
11. Services: Most shops close at 5 pm in Australia, even malls! In Canada usually shops are open 24/7
12. Taxes: up to 45% in OZ
13. Roads in the inner suburbs of Sydney, and most areas in Adelaide, Darwin, Cairns. Melbourne is good in that respect