Cut off has to come down if there is a consistency with the draw and each draw size is 2500+. Since, September 2016 almost 20000+ candidates have got the ITA. There was a report on October 1st week stating that 60000 is the size of the pool. If we consider today, I dont think, we should not have more than 50000+ candidates. Also, some wrote that 500+ candidates joins the queue every week. However, not all of them have the score in the range of 400+. Yes, everyone is trying hard to get into 400+ category. But, its not easy.
I do hope that score has to settle somewhere 410+ in next six months. Otherwise, opposition will create significant problems for the present govnt. Since, the changes were done for the betterment and to bring down the score, if the same objective is not achieved, the opposition will not leave a chance to embarrass the govnt.
So keep a faith and good will come to you.
Also, eagerly waiting for the end of year report.
By the way, any statistician on this group, who can do regression and progression to get the some idea.