I have decided to show my sister's T4 document as proof of residency. The date mentioned in the document is April 11, 2019. So 6 months from this date is October 11, 2019. For example, if I receive an Invitation To Apply (ITA) in September or October and submit this T4 with a couple of weeks delay, will that be a problem ?
Also, she received a new credit card in July. The letter mentions her name, her Canadian address but no date. As you know bank letters don't carry a date. The credit card is attached with the letter with the card expiry date only. Will this document suffice along with the T4?
Another document, I will be showing will be her credit card statement. Which mentions her name, address and date. Please note that the date can be whatever we want as we can withdraw the statement one day prior to submitting the e-APR. The question regarding this proof is, will it be okay to blur/blot the transactions ?