I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree. If that was the criteria, they wouldn't cut so many points every year after a certain age of 33. People are becoming highly professional around this age.
You have it all wrong. Age is a major factor that affects how a person integrates in a new country.
If you are at 33 years old, you're chances of integrating properly and learning the language are much much lower than a 25 year old.
Also, If you're coming from a non English speaking country, then you are not qualified as a professional in Canada unless your English is immaculate. That's why having a masters or a PhD technically cancels out all the points you lose for being 33 years of age. It shows that you actually became a "Professional"
People who come from countries where they were extremely qualified tend to suffer here to get even beginner positions because they can't communicate in English.
Age is very relevant and the way it is incorporated into the immigration system is perfect right now. They don't want older married people who have a partner who is even less qualified to integrate into Canada than the applicant . A 25 year old person is very likely to be a single person who will end up with a Canadian citizen.
You simply disagree because it is not made for you and you feel cheated. However, for the benefit of Canada as a nation, this strategy is the best.
It's all about integration into the culture.