So a question: CIC is experiencing a high volume of calls right from the moment they opened, so I guess I'm not asking them. These are my questions:
For 3B on the adult form: should this be N/A, or should I put down the same name as in 3A?
My immigration document doesn't list my town/city of birth, only the state. Should I put down what the passport says, or should I list the town/city which the question asks for?
They ask for two pieces of ID, when I've already put down my passport and PR card. Can I include these again?
And for my son, they ask to list where he lived and when he went to school, or did not go to school. He just started kindergarten this year, in Edmonton: but he did not go to school in Victoria, Montana, and Edmonton. Do I need to list all of those as well, or is one slot, "Didn't go to school" good enough for all three?
For 3B on the adult form: should this be N/A, or should I put down the same name as in 3A?
My immigration document doesn't list my town/city of birth, only the state. Should I put down what the passport says, or should I list the town/city which the question asks for?
They ask for two pieces of ID, when I've already put down my passport and PR card. Can I include these again?
And for my son, they ask to list where he lived and when he went to school, or did not go to school. He just started kindergarten this year, in Edmonton: but he did not go to school in Victoria, Montana, and Edmonton. Do I need to list all of those as well, or is one slot, "Didn't go to school" good enough for all three?