Yes I just mentioned the "outland" in case it made a difference in the forms I chose. So from what you just told me - sorry I just want to make sure, I fill the part 1 / part 2 forms , send them to Missaussauga and wait for the approval letter from CIC, once I get the approval (AKA Quebec Selection Cert. right?) I fill out the forms at the link you provided and I wait?
I must be real dumb
if I have spent 5 mths reading and did not get anything through my skull and I just understood everything now in 10 min.. ;D :
Yes I just mentioned the "outland" in case it made a difference in the forms I chose. So from what you just told me - sorry I just want to make sure, I fill the part 1 / part 2 forms , send them to Missaussauga and wait for the approval letter from CIC, once I get the approval (AKA Quebec Selection Cert. right?) I fill out the forms at the link you provided and I wait?
I must be real dumb