lanhaiyu said:
Hi folks,
I just graduated from the Univeristy of Calgary, I am now doing my post-doctoral fellow work at the same school, am I eligible to apply for the AINP under the Post-Graduate Worker streem?
I am a postdoc at UofC and almost got rejected because of CPP and EI desuctions.
I talked a lot with the officer and convinced her to wait. Then I asked my supervisor to change my position to research associate that has CPP and EI deductions. Now I am waiting for my pay stub to send it to the officer. (Today I got another call from the officer asking for the pay stub).
Basically, being a PostDoc is a trap. PostDocs are considered as trainees, not employees (I realized that after I got the call from officer and digged further into the subject).
Unfortunately, there is nowhere in AINP website saying that CPP and EI are mandatory.