You are eligible. The unpaid vacation is not substantial enough to be a break in continuity.
Sorry buddy, can i ask you two more questions, thanks very much.
1. As I said before, this Friday, I will work 1 week more for 1 year experience ( make up 4 days unpaid vacation in beginning of Aug ). but the record for 13/08-18/08 will only available in paystub at 31/08. but next invitation will be around 22/08 i think. Do you think I should apply now or wait until September?
2. My company letter of employment and employment offer do not provide job duties. I asked HR, HR said he is not able to provide job duties in these letters and can not give me the company letterhead or his signature for job duties. But he gave the job description from a company document (with no company letterhead or signature). What should I do.
Really thanks for help