Counting down until 6/30 to file the PR application as a skilled worker. Since they ask that you submit two return mailing labels, I get the feeling their first task is to return your application for even the slightest trangression so on to my question.
I am submitting the PR app using the Adobe forms and typing in the information. On some of the forms, the font is very large and I cannot fit in the information. Is it OK to not use any of the spaces provided and simply show "see attached" and attaching a list of the information needed. The headings on the attachment are exactly the same as the form. Will they return the app if I do not use any of the spaces or are you required to first use the spaces on the app and then use an attachement for the balance of the info?
I realize this may be a silly question but like I said, it appears they will return an app for any reason if they can so I am being overly cautious.
I am submitting the PR app using the Adobe forms and typing in the information. On some of the forms, the font is very large and I cannot fit in the information. Is it OK to not use any of the spaces provided and simply show "see attached" and attaching a list of the information needed. The headings on the attachment are exactly the same as the form. Will they return the app if I do not use any of the spaces or are you required to first use the spaces on the app and then use an attachement for the balance of the info?
I realize this may be a silly question but like I said, it appears they will return an app for any reason if they can so I am being overly cautious.