MWQ said:
Will it depend on what you come from and depending on that, What is your VO. & processing time, also there is the question of your capability to support your family financially & also there is the question of coping with & integration (at least from Family sponsorship officer point view), also some of us (including me) been (and some still are) very busy and stressed out about the outcome of this processing. that they didn't actually pay attention to the search for love & settling.
I been told that they ease the processing of family sponsorship program, but I didn't know anyone whom tried that program recently. how it's going with you? I am very interested in hearing about your experience.
This is a very sensitive issue. I know a handful other folks in same scenario. I am a glaring example.
I got a baby with my gf during the CSQ stage, and updated MICC as non accompanying. I got my csq last year and filed for federal though still waiting for MR.
I plan on landing and coming back home for marriage and subsequent sponsorship.
I had so many reasons not to get married during processing as I intended to land alone, and see what life holds for me in Quebec. Couldn't think better.
I bet it is kinda hard decision to make but it is always great to consider many options.
From a few sources I learned that sponsorship from within Quebec, of a spouse/kid isn't that complicated and averages a year for processing. I wish it really doesn't take more than that time because I can't even cope staying a month or two away from those two. Its kinda personal but I think sharing this is quite relieving.
I pray we get the PRs asap and continue with our lives smoothly.
Happy Sunday and Eid Mubarak to my fellow Muslims in the house.