Hi Friends,
Like Express Entry, interested candidates, who are eligible for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program, would have to submit an Expression of Interest as a first step.
Also similar to the Federal Express Entry system is the fact a profile will be valid for 12 months.
It is expected that after entering Quebec’s Expression of Interest pool, a candidate would receive another score based on a ranking system that determines their position in the pool, much like Express Entry’s
Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).
Under the Federal Express Entry system, a candidate’s ranking score is determined by points awarded for factors such as employment, education, language skills, age, as well as additional factors. It is expected that Quebec will have a unique points-system that operates in a similar way.
Candidates would be drawn from the Expression of Interest pool through invitation rounds during which a specified number of candidates who meet or exceed a specified cut-off score would be issued invitations to apply for a
Quebec Selection Certificate (
Certificat de sélection du Québec, or CSQ).
Those issued an invitation to apply will have 90 days to submit a complete application for CSQ. Applicants who receive an CSQ from Quebec can then apply to the Government of Canada for permanent residence.
More details about this system, including the ranking system and exact start date, are expected to be announced in the near future.
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QUEBEC "Expression of Interest - Déclaration d’intérêt" system.