Dear Bluecougar26, sorry we av omitted answering ur questn. Here's what ur point ll look like: Educatn(M.Sc) 12pts, Area of training 12pts + priority or 6pts only.( there actually are two civil engineering on d point scale. It's d couse content in ur transcript that will determine which of these ll b applicable to u. Experience

24months) 6pts, Age: 16pts, English: 6pts, F.S.S 1 Pt, French: A1 ) 2pts. SPOUSE: educatn: 3pts, Area of training 3pts, Age: 2pts, children (2): 8points. TOTAL: 73/67.( Either way it's a v.strong mark) depending on what ur Aot fetches u. But note i av assumed u & ur spouse av frech test A1. Since 3weeks is around d corner y nt wait till u get d enrollment slip so u can include it . Just ensure u & spouse sit A1 orequivalence so that u can av a waiver for interview