Dear Ricoluna, quebec2011 , STILLHOPE and all the seniors
Thanks for your kind reply much appreciate your effort

now i have some questions
1. Do i need to take English Test is it compulsory as i am already working in a English Working Environment
Not necessary take a letter from your institute that first language in your work place is english on company letter head
2. Is French Necessary for my Spouse also? (Because when i sent my evaluation to David Cohen and Quebec Official website they said its ok to not to do french) as i am still qualified to apply.
Not necessary at the movement ,U can apply now but we suggest u that she can start learning french as well as with u because quenbec is french speaking province and secondly most of the case got rejection due to lack of french and thirdly visa officer want to see your efforts that how u r learning french at the time of interview If she clears delf a1 before interview that is good for your case.
3. And sorry i wanted to mention Network Administrator (also i give hardware and software support to the institution) but mentioned head of the department and i don't teach...
If u prove that u r working as a network administraor then it is lot better and then u will get extra 6 points for your area of training
so i request you to please review my case again..