horie said:
hi canada 2011..im planning to applt for a CSQ.can you help me?what are the steps?im in UK and i might pass my application in BIQ paris..
Preparing your application
Carefully prepare your application in order to speed up processing time. If it is complete and admissible, its assessment will be made easier. A complete application includes legible required documentation, duly completed and signed: the Application for a Selection Certificate and appendices, the Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency (PDF, 64 Kb) and other declarations, payment of required fees, as well as certified supporting documents, including admissible proof of your French and English proficiency.
If available, include with your application documentary proof of your French language skills, issued by an organization recognized by the Ministry. This includes the Test d’évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ – French evaluation test adapted for Québec) from the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris (CCIP – Paris Chamber of Commerce) and the Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCFQ – French fluency test for Québec) from the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP – International Centre for Pedagogical Studies).
Assessing your application
The Immigration-Québec office serving your country checks that all the required documents are included in your application and if it is eligible for priority processing. Your application is eligible for priority processing if:
you or your spouse, if applicable, have received a job offer from a Québec employer, and it meets the MICC’s validation conditions. Ask your future employer to consult the section Steps taken by the employer for hiring a permanent foreign worker;
your area of training or that of your spouse, if applicable, is indicated on the 2009 List of preferred areas of training. If it is on the list, you must have acquired your diploma within the last five years or have practised an occupation that corresponds to this diploma for at least one year over the course of the last five years.
An acknowledgment of receipt is usually sent to you to confirm your application when the file is complete or, if applicable, to indicate that your application will be prioritized for processing. If your file is incomplete, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt with a list of missing documents as well as the deadlines for submitting them.
Your file will only be assessed once all of the missing documents have been received.
Outcome of the assessment of the application
One of three decisions is made once your application has been assessed:
Selection based on the file: In some cases, an interview is not necessary and the application is processed solely on the basis of the applicant’s file. If your file is complete and your assessment indicates that you have attained the general passing grade of the selection grid, the interview may not be required. In this case, you will receive a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) in the mail as well as information about Québec. You will be notified of the next steps in your immigration process.
Notice of intent to reject the application: You will receive a letter informing you that your application will be rejected, unless you provide, within 60 days, documented proof to justify reviewing the decision. Upon receipt of the missing information, if the documented proof is deemed acceptable, the review of your application will continue. If you fail to provide the requested proof within the prescribed timeframe, your application will be rejected without further notice. You then have the right to submit a request for an administrative review.
Notice to attend an interview: When necessary, the interview serves to complete the assessment process. Most candidates must attend a selection interview with a counsellor from Immigration Québec. If the preliminary review of your application is positive, you will be invited to a selection interview. This notice specifies the date, time and place of the interview as well as the documents you will have to have on hand.
During this interview, the immigration counsellor reviews the information provided in the Application for a Selection Certificate, particularly the information on schooling, work experience and language knowledge. The counsellor also checks whether you have correctly completed the Contract concerning your capacity for financial self-sufficiency. When applicable, the counsellor will explain the importance of this legal obligation and make the necessary corrections with you. The counsellor then evaluates your capacity to settle successfully in Québec and will ask you questions to assess the feasibility of your immigration plans. This evaluation primarily focuses on your knowledge of Québec, the steps you have taken and your personal suitability. The latter two aspects are assessed on the basis of your professional activities.
The selection interview is the ideal time to talk about your immigration plan with the counsellor and to ask questions.
Approximate duration of the selection interview: 30 to 60 minutes.
Following the interview, three results are possible:
Approval: If the assessment is positive, the counsellor will inform you of the next steps to follow in your immigration process. If possible, the counsellor will immediately issue your Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate). Otherwise it will be mailed to you. You will also receive a kit containing important information which you will be asked to read carefully. Depending on your needs, the counsellor may also give you other specific documents.
Rejection: If the assessment reveals that you do not meet the selection criteria, an explanatory letter is given to you. You will also be informed of your right to submit a request for an administrative review.
Notice of intent to reject the application: If supporting documentation is missing, the counsellor will give you a an explanatory notice of intent to reject the application. You will then have 60 days to provide the proof requested. If you do not provide the necessary proof within this timeframe, your application will be refused without further notice. You will then have the right to submit a request for an administrative review.