merci a milliards fois encore a vous pour le lien mk bonne chance a vous aussi pour votre examen.... 
You are welcome, thanks for the rating, you are doing a very good job here with your assistance and you are well appreciated, many thanks to you.mkshah said:thanks so much 4glory for your help
+1 for you![]()
Indeed your findings has cleared the air over our speculation, the expiry date will certainly determine the limit for landing dates for the PA and dependants.mkshah said:hi vibez, 4glory and other forum members,
I found below information from this link which answers most of my queries which I put forward in my previous posts.
Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident FAQ
1. Do I become a Permanent Resident of Canada as soon as my Canada Immigration Visa is issued?
No. You will only become a Permanent Resident of Canada when you cross a Canadian port of entry with your valid passport and your valid Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa. This is referred to as 'landing in Canada'.
2. How long can I wait to land in Canada after my Canada Immigration Visa is issued?
You must land in Canada before the expiry date, which appears on your Canada Immigration Visa. Usually, the expiry date is one year from the time medical examinations were completed. As this is not always the case, be sure to verify the expiry date as soon as you receive your Canada Immigration Visa.
3. Can the expiry date on my Canada Immigration Visa be extended?
As a general rule, the expiry date on your Canada Immigration Visa will not be extended. Failure to land in Canada before the expiry date may result in the necessity of re-application.
4. Must I first enter Canada at the destination I indicated on my application form?
Generally, the holder of a Canada Immigration Visa may enter Canada at any port of entry without difficulty.
However, if you first enter Canada at a port of entry in the Province of Quebec, you must have been accepted by Quebec and have a valid Quebec Certificate of Selection or be prepared to document your clear intention to reside in a province other than Quebec.
5. What documents do I need with me when I first land in Canada?
When you first land in Canada, you will need your valid passport containing your unexpired Canada Immigration Visa and a document entitled Confirmation of Permanent Residence. Your accompanying dependents, if applicable, will need the same.
It is a good idea to also have evidence of your settlement funds and an inventory of all personal belongings in your possession and other items that you now own but intend to bring to Canada at a later date.
6. When must my accompanying dependents land Canada?
Accompanying dependents cannot land in Canada before the Principal Applicant has done so. The accompanying dependents may first land in Canada with the Principal Applicant or after the Principal Applicant, but in either case prior to the expiry date indicated on their Canada Immigration Visas.
Merci beaucoup mon ami et bonne chance !sharptooth said:merci a milliards fois encore a vous pour le lien mk bonne chance a vous aussi pour votre examen....![]()
mouradb said:hi and thanks for your reply, well we did get our CSQ two months ago and now we have sent our application for the PR, I understand that this will go through Sydney in Canada for a quick check and then send this back here to London. we do live and work here and our application will be checked here so coming to my question which is from your experience, how long will it take to get a form of reply and how long ill this take to get our PR if all goes normal.
Thanks again
Mon ami Yassinecissino said:Bonjour,
Est ce que ca existe des ecoles anglophones publique au Quebec ?
Ce que je viens de comprendre par le biais de certains colegues ici au forum dons je remercie beaucoup, que le CSQ n'est pas indispensaple ou necessaire ou meme obligatoire pour s'etablir au Quebec en tant immigre federal FSW francophone et jouir de tous les droits exactement comme un immigrant possedant un CSQ.
Car dans les deux cas de figure nous sommes titulaire d'une residance permanent pour le Canada.
Merci d'y preter attention a mes questions
Bon courage et bonne continuation.
red.mystry said:Hi Seniors,
While filling the Application for Selection Certificate there is a query regarding Family name at birth
In INDIA sometimes unmarried girls do not use their family names, even in the passport the family name is not mentioned. Can we leave the family name fields blank?
Merci cher ami,javeedislam said:Mon ami Yassine
Oui, vous avez droit yassin, si vous êtes demandeur FSW alors vous n'avez pas besoin de demander CSQ juste afrer votre atterrissage, vous pouvez déplacer à Québec sans CSQ, mais autant que je heared de l'école anglaise c'est la règle que l'un des parents de l'enfant / frères et sœurs doivent avoir l'école anglaise au Canada.
je vous en priecissino said:Merci cher ami,
En ce qui concerne la scolarite de mes enfants au Quebec , voici mon cas , moi ainsi que leurs maman on est des francophones mais mes enfants non, ils ont suivis leurs scolarite c'est a dire leurs etudes en anglais et en arabes ici a Dubai ou ils sont inscrits dans une ecole depuis le debut de leurs ecole primaire.
Merci cher ami tres heureux de faire votre connaissance,
hec006 said:Hello Saied,
Thanks for sharing the info. It will be very good, if you people share the info after landing. Here the link that you have provided (for Investor, this behavior is very common)for business person. But, it also true for Skilled worker. No exception. But the thing is that business person enters through different criteria. Mainly, they are invited in Quebec for the prosper of Quebec only, and they apply after knowing all the business condition. They should open the business and create job in Quebec and also help to prosper.
But, if any skilled worker should try for job at least 6months-1 year. I know that different person different funds for their living as an unemployed person. So, it will vary. If you can show that u have tried to get the job in Quebec. That will be enough. But, if you get good job in canada after moving to there, try to invest some money in Bank account in Quebec. try join some other Freelancer job in Quebec. Try to be present in Montreal in saturday and sunday time to do some extra work. By that at least you can show you have contributed in Quebec.
You have no other way to do that. On the top, you can contact with some immigration expert to know more about the present rule & condition. They can suggest some way, by which you can show that you are bonded with Quebec and still contributing.
Finally, if u face any legal action, u may be taken to the court, where u have to convince them that u have tried to live in Quebec, but failed, that's why u have moved.
mkshah said:Hi joidiple, Harit79 and other forum friends...
here is the link for book on "Comprehension Ecrite" can be used upto DELF A2 level exams...
Good Luck for Exams![]()
harit79 said:Thanks lot buddy.
Greatly appreciate your help.
je suis désolé... the post was unintentional and landed up in the wrong place as i was in a hurry.Bajan4Quebec said:Then maybe you should have wrote "Est-ce que vous connaissez les dates pour TEFaQ ou TCFQ?" ou "quelqu'un sait les dates de la TEFaQ ou TCFQ?"