Hi egrace62, nice to see you back... and congrats dude for your first paycheck in CAD ...
say my hello to wings and also give my regrads to him.. because he started this thread and now it has helped so many aspirant immigrants to actually realize their dream
... and also say my hello to cozi..
and many thanks for sharing this bits of life there... it surely helps to understand and to get ready for how life is / will be there... in wonderland !
My wishes for your success and happy life there !
say my hello to wings and also give my regrads to him.. because he started this thread and now it has helped so many aspirant immigrants to actually realize their dream
and many thanks for sharing this bits of life there... it surely helps to understand and to get ready for how life is / will be there... in wonderland !
My wishes for your success and happy life there !
egrace62 said:@ Darshmond,
well there is no specific answer for ur question cos, taste differs and the monthly cost for each individual is a function of hiséher taste.... be that as it may, i will try to talk on the fixed variables that is constant irrespective of ones taste.
1) for an immigrant working 7hrs per day, 5days a week,he is guaranteed a sum of $1,400 per month or $350 per week( if u can wrk more, then u get more)... most coy pays every 2wks.....and this is subjected to a 15% tax
minimum wage is $10 per hour...
2) transport: with a monthly ticket that goes for 72$, for a single addult, u will have limitless access for the month for methro and buses... limitless as in limitless per day u go out as u like... but for 2adults, u might need two of those unless if both of u wont be able to go out at the same time if u wanna share the card.... if below 25yrs, the cost is 35$
3) Daycare: this is the drainner here..... they charge nothing less than $7 per day per child..... so u can imagine aw much per month here....unless if either of u will want to sacrifice working so as to stay with the kids.... or u might want to alternate work hours such that the time that both of u will be working and yet ur wrk hours will be such that one would av returned from wrk when the other is leaving home but then even this comes with a price cos family bonding is also important in my own opinion....
4) Housing: for a family of 5, a 2.5 apartment should do.... but there are diffeent price ranges.... u can get a 2.5 for 600$ per month and u can also get for 2000$ while not leaving out that u can also get some between this range... it is a function of ur TASTE bro.... i av even seen some advert for 2.5 apartment that goes for 550$
5) Feeding: here also it is a fucntion of ur taste bro... but normally feeding shouldnt cost a family of 5 more than 300$ per month....
6) phone bills: my advise here is that u keep it as low as posible... here u pay for every thing.... even if u receiving calls u gget charged for it... but the netwrk i use dosen do that... it gives me limitess call time within montreal and limitless incoming calls..... for a bill of 25$ per month....what most phone coy do here is that they give out phone free but they will bind you with a contract for 3yrs whre one will be required to pay nothing less that 50$ per month for the next 2yrs.... i decided to get my phone without contract for 80$ then i subcribed to a 25$ package. i paid a one-off bill of 105$ rather than being bound with a contract with a free phone whree i will end up paying X50 of the original price of the phone cos the only thing i need my phone for now is to recieve calls from prospective employers... i av internent access in my apartment....
7) trust me, there are several things here that can make u finish ur landing fund with a month....
in conclusion: for those that will be coming to canada from a country whre the currency thay are presently spending is at peréalmost at per or even higher than the canadian dollar, they will not av significant alteration in their lifestyle.... both for those that will be coming from a contry whose currency has been negatively affected by infalion or defltation blah blah blah... it will be somehow.... like me by the time i was converting my money, one canadian dollar was 165naira ( my country;s currency).... so even with a cash of over a 1.5million in savings, u can imagine aw the money shrunk.....so for those of us can will be coming from a place with not too strong a currency, u really cant afford not to find some thing doing quick cos u will need to start almost immediately so that u can regain ur living standard back
8) for those from a country with a currency that isnt so strong, you also will tend to av an attitude when evr u go shopping.... u will tend to also multiply out with the exchange rate for ur contry of origin.... and then u will go.... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, this is too expensive... but by the time u begin earning their money, that mindset will change