one thing is sure...
All actions have consequencies either good or bad and we must be prepared to face the consequencies of our actions either good or bad.
2) yeah some pple have used the quebec route as a means of entering canada and we are yet to earn of any action taken against them. but does that make them right? i dont think so... Quebec is the size of 6 Europian contries put 2gada and 3times the size of France.. this island has some problems and it need us to help fix it.. while at the same time we gain economic reward which to me is fare enough... why then will i wanna jeopadise my future and those of my dependants... well i only av been in Canada for a week now but i also will like to inform you that some pple dont even av papers anymore eventhough they ones have... i dnt knw there offences though...
and beleive u me, the government of Quebec can take up a case with anyone who signs the declaration of Intent to recide in Quebec... this is a declaration we were all asked to make now i dont think this declaration is meant for decoration.. that is the big stick they can use to kill anyone.. Quebec is a great place... Montreal is nice... i wonder where some who leaves montreal will now go ( Ontario?) ... well people are moving, no problem,... but that doesnt make them right... and i hope that they will be earger to also share the ugly side of their story when the time comes...... people are in Canada but i hope they will be bold enough to also share the secret thinhs thay do to stay alive...
having said that, i dont think STILLHOPE deserves to be addressed the way KLM addressed him (uuuh i hope i wont recieve my own big stick as well

. well if i do, it wont hurt cos i now av a job to soothe the pain)
Cheers pple