Useful Websites URL's for French Study
amgra said:
I will post later some url's very helpful for your studying I have found around
Becuase I am new member, I can't post URL yet, so just exchange my "dots" for actual "."
www dot wordreference dot com: This is a multilingual dictionary, useful for me as english-french & french english
fr dot thefreedictionary dot com: This is my favorite, this is a real French dictionary, I mean french-french and most words have AUDIO pronunciation clicking the speaker icon
www dot acapela-group dot fr / text-to-speech-interactive-demo dot html: this was actually recomended by the online course I am taking from CIC, you type text and it reads it to you back and you can choose between french-quebec and french-france
These are the three sites I use all the time when doing homework at time of studying.
Now for courses, I really like the ones I found inside iTunes, they are free, I have two of my favorites, just look for this podcast:
Coffe Break French by RadioLingua. Every-Day phrases.
Learn french with daily podcast complete phrases every episode with examples of each word
I hope someone can help him/her self with this URL.