Song to describe the current situation in the thread :
;D !! people, lets take it down a couple of notches.
What do you think is the objective of having a PNP Stream for each province when there is already a clear open immigration stream available at a federal level ? Obviously to attract and logically to RETAIN people with skills specific to the needs of each province.
Here are the 'Mobility rights' of citizens and PRs from the charter of rights.
[[ source : ]]
+ 1 for you vibez. Here is the link for OP7a for Quebec Skilled Worker as well, worth reading to get clear about your confusions.
So, its clearly evident that the charter allows for people to move where ever they wish to. Now if you take a closer look, its subject to certain conditions as stated in sub sec 3a&b - laws, practices, residency requirements.... its all there.
While you apply for the CSQ, you clearly sign the declarations stating that you will LIVE in Quebec. When you apply for the visa, you sign another doc (IMM0008 E Schedule 5) stating that you intend to live in the province of quebec.
Lets not speak about ethics, morality etc. Only thing we're bothered about is whether skipping to another province on landing or afterwards will amount to breaking any law and attract any sort of penal action (revoking PR, deportation etc)
The Federal-provincial agreement on PNPs also require the province to check if its nominees are indeed settling down in the province. While its clear that its not being done, the Govts wont be blind to the ground reality. But the provincial govts. can be forced to crack on such nominees since its a part of the original fed-prov agreements. [[sorry, No link]]
In 2010, there was an operational bulletin released by the CIC stating the actions to be taken if the officer learns that the person no longers intends / never intended to stay in the province. read that up [[source : ]] Ofcourse this speaks about drama at the POE and Inland offices. Nothing is clear about landing successfully, and then scooting.
In canada, it will be
so damn easy to pull up this information. Your tax info is there for all the govts to see. Do you want to risk bombing your dream right at the fag end of it?
My logic is :
you sign papers for immigr >
you dont honor them >
immigration fraud. then the ball is in their court. (am sure i want my ball
s with me

The whole topic is a lil foggy and not very clear. So its open to interpretation. A very respected member 'PMM' also mentioned that such ppl are at risk of having their PRs revoked.
Ending note:
This is a wonderful thread. None around here is an immig lawyer. we're just normal ppl united by a common dream
(and who read a lot of immigration stuff online !). lets not vitiate the bonhomie here and screw it up for everyone. There no forum/thread as active as this anywhere on the net. losing members (no matter senior/junior) is a big loss for us. if we keep it nice,
maybe ppl will keep coming back to help even after they land !
some reading
Link to article 'lack of monitoring mechaninisms in NB'
link to end of chinese nominee plan