Re: (No subject)
egrace62 said:
@ mbqsw, (1) had Quebec been interestd in strong french speakers, they would av limitd d program to france or any other french speaking countries. All u need is a demostratn dat u are learning d language & dat u intend 2continue til u are perfect. (2) yeah u can submit nw & update ur file wit d rsult when u get ur AOR. (3) point allocatn for language an all other factors can b found in d processing guide titled: Guides des immigration. I dnt av d address handy with me now perhaps other forum members can pls provide d link for our friend. (4) the minimum requird work experience is 6months. (5) degree equivalency for foreign degree can b obtaind by sending ur notarized transcript & a fee to d foreign qualificatn equivalency agency.after verificatn, d agency ll issue a certificate of equivalency or's only a necessary step b4 one can take degree of which ur intendin sch ll do for u. U need not file for equivalency b4 ur applicatn can b successful u dnt need it. (6) Mutual Recognitn agreement are meant for those who had attended some specialized sch in Belgium/france. Most of us ll not fall under this agreement.
First of all, thanks everybody for being so helpful and giving so much information

specially @egrace62, @STILLHOPE.
good pointers guys!
I really appreciate it
I had to move to another city meanwhile... so you can imagine how busy I got
it's a pity I'm reading the posts late
times is of essence!
Good, I had my questions answered, now I have new questions
@STILLHOPE, okay, I will tick 1 for my French ability in the application form.
Yes if I get 2 points for my French then I will have enough points (minimum 49)
“admission receipt” of french language you mean a receipt/paper that I'm attending a French course?
@egrace62 and @STILLHOPE:
“AOR” you mean the confirmation from BIQ (or migration office) that they have received my application and give me a file number? (sorry guys I'm still confused with all these terms

So from your profile I can see it takes around 4 months to receive the AOR.
but then, at this point (after getting AOR) I will have to present a
French test result?
Then I'm not sure I'm going to make it in 4 months!
I've just started French and I also have other things to do with my work and stuff...
Which one do you recommend by the way:
@ egrace62
yes you're right. It's strange if they expect you to be perfect in French
But as I said I heard of people being postponed or rejected because of their weak French.
I should submit my application asap before my IELTS expires on September
I have General IELTS (not academic) which I assume is valid for 2 years
For the Interview *:
Other than general things that you'll answer, the key point is
French. Right?
The interview will be in French?
I contacted the
BIQ Vienna the same day I posted my questions here *
Maybe this is helpful for some people on this board:
they replied my email and among answers to my other questions the said that “ french test result is not necessary”!
Okay! But you're correct that we should send it... better for our profiles
They also sent me the information in French from BIQ Vienna, I'll try to find info in “Guides des immigration" that you said.
There's also a pointer about our current country of residence, which you know defines our immigration office.
In definitions they say “country of residence: “… You must have been legally admitted to this country for a period of at least one year. ...”
Now I'm living in Estonia, I came here 6 months ago from Iran and I have 1 year of visa
so I hope Vienna will be my office
Damascus office is busier, takes more time also flying back there is quite expensive
again one questions about the terms,
Is DCS same thing as CSQ? (Certificat de sélection du Québec)
I'm done with my questions for now!
I'm going to prepare documents and forms for my CSQ
By the way,
this should be a great forum as far as I can see
I hope to see you all in Quebec soon

it's great to support each other...
Good luck to people who are having their interviews
God bless all