Dear hellomusab
It gives me much pleasure to read your message here. I found myself in the exact same situation about 3 months ago and am happy to know that there are more such cases.
After submitting my file in Oct 2012, they woke up in Dec 2015 and sent me this letter called "Intent to Reject" (lovely title to scare people off anyways) and asked me to submit only my educational documents plus Annexe B (change in situation) again. I was super confused and was asking myself the same question as you. I was pretty sure I had submitted notarised copies of all my educational documents as requested.
After my research, I have narrowed down on the following assumptions (mentioned in order of how strongly I believe in which):
- Since these files are now almost 3-4 years old, they send this letter out to all old paper based applications in order to get the Annnexe B (updated situation as of today) back. I would assume it will be embarrassing to just ask us to furnish the documents again as they literally slept for 4 years.
- I got all my documents notarised from India and NOT attested by the issuing authority (school, college, university etc.).
This is why I am now sending documents attested by each school (it does take a hell lot of time) instead of notarised copies.
- One of my masters was from France and the other degrees from India. I got all documents, including the French degree notarised from India. Since a French document requires to be attested by the issuer or the locally municipality, maybe one of my educational document was not acceptable per their requirements as a Certified Copy.
Hoping it was indeed one of the above reasons, I will post my documents tomorrow and then wait for an answer.
All the best for your application.
Tip: If you have 3 months, don't wait until the last week to send it, like i did.

hellomusab said:
Certified True Copies for CSQ (Pakistan)
Hi everyone,
We have applied for CSQ regular program from within Montreal. Everything is fine except that they asked us for the Educational certified copies again, which has poured a hell of confusion on me.
Here are the certified copies of documents they want for both, myself and my wife:
* Bachelor Degree
* Bachelor Transcript
* Post-Secondary
Here's why I'm confused:
In my original application, I submitted the photocopies of these documents which were attested by HEC Pakistan as well as Foreign Office Pakistan. Why did they still return them? What did I miss?
Now, I need your opinion on what to do, I have 3 months to resubmit. I have some things in mind but don't know what they expect:
* Get the photocopies attested from a Notary Public in Pakistan
* Get photocopies attested from the college/university which is a hell of a lot of time taking specially because I am here
* Half of my documents are qualified to be attested from the consulate in Montreal, but the rest half are not.
I am really confused because HEC and Foreign office are high level authorities in Pakistan and still they didn't approve them. Please help me in this case, asap. Thanks!