hello friend,bsrogen said:Hi biomed22,
Just a brief check, I think your final score is about 53 (your AOT is in the 6 points' group). You lack about 4 points for passing the preliminary selection point for final interview. So the advice is :
1. Having a baby until the end of this year ( this will contribute 4 points for passing the preliminary threshold)
2. Take the French test and have at least B2 level of speaking or listening section (This could contribute at least 5 points).
If you can accomplish 1 of 2 tasks above, I am sure that you will be selected for interview to gain more 5-6 points of adaptability (it's hard but not impossible because you should take interview in French). Then, from now, if you want to pursue applying to QSW, you should study French anyway. I hope this helps.
Thanks for your reply. How can we calculate our points? do you have any links? If, please can you provide me a link? Can we apply ourself or we have to apply trough immigration agencies? If we can process ourself than can you guide, where we can find the processing link. Would not be late to apply after study of french language, I am in dilemma.